Carlos Manuel Gonçalves de Melo Marinho is judge of court of appeal, senior Expert on EU and International Judicial Cooperation and e-Justice, co-founder and former National Contact Point of the European Judicial Network in Civil and Commercial Matters, Ibero-American Judicial Network and Judicial Network of the Portuguese Speaking Countries, co-creator of the EU Judicial Atlas in Civil Matters, author of the first EU Web page on judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters, co-creator of the first curricular training of judges and prosecutors on EU law, coordinator of working groups in Europe and in Central and South America, speaker on events of the European Commission, European Parliament, Council of Europe, Hague Conference on Private International Law, European Institute of Public Administration, Academy of European Law, European Judicial Training Network, EuroMed, EPO, WIPO, EUI and EUIPO, trainer of judges in Portugal, Macedonia, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Austria, Slovenia, Lithuania, Morocco, Algeria, Romania and Paraguay and, by virtual means, all over Europe, member and president of national and international juries, expert in EU missions in Ukraine, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, Armenia, Croatia, Italy, Czech Republic, Morocco, Bulgaria, Romania, China and Philippines; alternate member of the Boards of Appeal Committee of the EPO, member of the EJTN and author of articles, studies, opinions and books.